Capturing Your Little Moments | BCS Family Photographer

It’s already time to start making plans for the holidays. Whether you travel out of town, family comes to you, or you celebrate with just the people in your home, the holidays are special times that we want to capture and remember!

Since not everyone can invite a photographer into their home to capture family dinners and opening gifts, you are probably going to be limited to your smart phone… but DON’T WORRY! Today’s phones are more than capable of capturing those candid family moments, but like any camera, knowing how to use it well can make all the difference. Here’s a few tips for capturing those sweet family moments for you to treasure through the years.

1. Clean your lens!

This may seem silly, or even super obvious, but just like our phone screens, the lens can get dirty and smudged. Before you get ready to take photos, use a soft cloth or microfiber towel to wipe it down

2. Find natural light!

Are there window in the room you can open? Turning the blinds up just a bit helps to diffuse it into the room and make for photos that are clearer and less yellow.

3. Slow down!

Instead of holding up and snapping quickly, take a moment to see what’s on the screen. You can tap the area you want to be in focus, make sure your subjects are where you want them, and THEN snap the photo! Go for quality, not quantity… no one ever used all 300+ images they snapped. 🙂

4. Print and preserve them!!

Preservation of images is at the heart of Shannon Morton Photography… we’re in the business of helping you have beautiful images for your home! With that in mind, it should be no surprise that we champion the same thing with your phone images, too! Companies like Chatbooks, Pinhole Press, and MixTiles offer fun and unique ways to record and preserve your family get togethers.

Want to learn even more ways to use that iPhone to it’s fullest potential? We are launching the Brazos Valley’s FIRST iPhone photography workshop THIS JANUARY! It will include small group instruction, 1:1 assistance, and access to our exclusive online group for future meet ups and more!

Register here:

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I’m Magen


Fueled by equal parts caffeine and passion, I spend my days capturing the kinds of images that make you stop, smile and ask time to please slow down. Your story, your love, is beautiful and I can’t wait to capture it in images you will treasure for years to come. 

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