Mother’s Day Surprise 2012 | College Station Family Photographer

For a little over a month, I’ve been thinking about Mother’s Day 2012, not for myself, but for others, including my dear clients.  And because I like to take care of my clients and even give them special treats, an idea began to form.  What if I were able to partner with other local businesses to bless, honor, and SURPRISE these precious women who work so hard to take care of their own families?  What if there was a way to publicly honor them with kind words from their husbands and children and get some great prizes, too?

The more I thought about it the more I liked it and began to brainstorm.  Here are some things I came up with:

1.  I wanted it to be a surprise…because, well…those are the best!!

2.  Also, because I primarily interact with the wife of each family, I was going to need to gather the husbands’ email addresses and send them the questionnaire to fill out.

3.  If I was going to ask these guys to take time to fill it out, then everyone who did so would need to win.   (It’s probably me, but I prefer to enter contests/give feedback when they offer something in return.  Silly, right?!)

4.  I would need to limit the contest to my in-town clients since most of the prizes related to local businesses.  Also, I limited the list to those who had had a full session with me since last Mother’s Day or had scheduled a session before this Mother’s Day.  (I have scheduled others since I organized the contest, so they were not able to be included.  But there’s always next year.  ;))

5.  I would need some wonderful local vendors to be willing to work with me.   Kudos to these local establishments who have been amazing and jumped at the chance to help honor these sweet moms!! This is just a sample of the ones who are already involved!!





Overall, there was a wonderful response from the husbands!!  From those who entered, 7 were chosen to be the “semi-finalists” so to speak.  From the 7, one was chosen to be the grand prize winner!!  Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, May 3, and for each business day leading up to Mother’s Day, I’ll post about one of these wives, including the answers her husband gave, pictures of her and her family, and the prizes she has won.

Stay tuned!!  It’s gonna be a sweet time!!

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I’m Magen


Fueled by equal parts caffeine and passion, I spend my days capturing the kinds of images that make you stop, smile and ask time to please slow down. Your story, your love, is beautiful and I can’t wait to capture it in images you will treasure for years to come. 

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